Season’s Greetings,

We groomed Cutler and Sibley tonight and there was 6-10” of new snow on the trails.  Four of us went up and the plan was to get everything done including Blue Creek.  We had some trouble pulling the heavier groomers in the new snow so we had to use the machine intended to pack Blue Creek to pre pack the trails.  I might try and pack Blue Creek Friday night and if not then sometime this extended weekend.  With the heavy use the trails are sure to receive this coming week we may go over them mid-week and freshen up the tracks.  The weather for the next 5 days looks great so I hope you can get out and enjoy the great snow.

Thank you for all your renewals and donations this year.  We are blessed to have such great support from our community.  We try and provide a good trail system and it would not be possible without your support, and the guys that volunteer their time to groom. 

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas,
