Our mild weather is going to continue for a few more days cooling down Sunday afternoon. It look like there has been an inch or so on the trails in the last day so skiing should be really good. Tom and I are planning to freshen up the trails Friday evening.
Our club treasure, Pete Mohseni and several other district one educators took up 61 kids and adults to Cutler last Friday for a day of fun in the outdoors. This is a great program they do for the kids, getting them out from behind their computers into the snow where they have no cell service. Pete has accumulated quite an arsenal of ski equipment but is always looking for more, as some of it is showing a lot of wear. They could really use three pin boots if you have any laying around not being used anymore. You and contact him at [email protected]
The lost and found items this week included:
Lost, one orange and black dog bootie with a Velcro tie on the west side of the Dog Collar Loop at Cutler.
Lost, one mens wedding band either in the Sibley Parking lot or on the trail to the hut. (There should be prize it that can be found)
Found, my trailer license plate from last weekend, Thank You!
Contact me if you find any of these items.
Chili feed next Saturday Feb 1st at the hut, 11:00-2:00. We will have all the fix’ins just bring an appetite and a friend.
The Buffalo club is hosting the Pole Creek Challenge ski race the same Saturday, so if going fast with out the help of bean propulsion is your thing then it is the event for you. They put on a good race, small and low key. Their prizes in the past have been a ski tip on a ribbon. I think if you are too slow they saw your ski tip off and give it to the winner next year!
If you haven’t been on the trails yet this year the snow is great. Way more than last year at this time. We are about the midpoint of the grooming season so make the best of our trails.
Your support for the club make the Sibley and Cutler trails possible. I you are not an member please join and support the trails.
Happy trails,