

Last weekend’s work day only had 4 volunteers show up but we got quite a bit accomplished.  We got everything done except Tie Hack which I may try and finish up in the next couple weeks.  I would like to thank the people that helped and Julie Davidson for having the Learning Outdoors group prune the weekend before.


I have decided to cease grooming for the season.  Saturday, there were only a few people and Sunday there was one car besides us.  There is still a lot of snow, with the trails receiving another foot Monday.  There is about 5’ on the trails currently.


We have a real problem with snowmobilers getting on the trails from the Blue Creek Meadow side right now.  There were on the trails Thursday, Saturday and Sunday that I know of.   Hopefully next year we will have some better signage in place so that won’t occur as often.


Thank you all for the support this past season.  We have had our best season to date.  The trails were groomed 25 times starting in mid-November and a Huge Thanks to the guys that helped with the grooming.


We have some big plans for the trails this next season that should see some marked improvements.  The tracked ATV we are getting will be a big help in grooming as well as some improved drags to make the trails better.


Happy trails,
